
Sobre mim
working in real estate since 2016 after more than 30 years of experience in IT application performance. last role as Client Manager for the biggest worldwide companies in Portugal, US, UK, Nederland, Spain, France, Italy, Greece, Turkey and Israel.
In 2016 I moved to a different business as real estate consulting helping people to invest or buying a house in the Portuguese market and helping them to have the best financial solutions. Today I'm starting to develop reallocations service as well.
Portugal is a beautiful country to have a peaceful life.
If you need help, just please let me know.
Rui Rebelo
+351 964 099 269 - Chamada para rede móvel nacional
Os imóveis mais recentes de Rui Rebelo
RE/MAX Siimgroup Miraflores
FCGM - Sociedade de Mediação Imobiliária, S.A. AMI 5086
Avenida General Norton de Matos, Loja 4 A
1495-145 , Oeiras - Algés, Linda-a-Velha e Cruz Quebrada-Dafundo