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1º lugar no Ranking INDIVIDUAL do Alentejo - Volume Negócios acumulado 2024- Escalão A Prémio HALL OF FAME - reconhecimento internacional que distingue consultores que superaram 1 milhão de dólares em comissões Prémio Golden Club RE/MAX Prémio Clube Balão DIAMANTE --- Clube 100% - 2023 --- 1º lugar no Ranking INDIVIDUAL do Alentejo - Volume Negócios acumulado Fevereiro 2024 - Escalão A
Clube 100% - 2023
Na imprensa
Testemunhos: "We have recently bought a new home with the assistance of Remax estate agent Teresa Cuco. We feel incredibly fortunate to have had Teresa as our negotiator and representative throughout this process. Teresa’s commitment to finding our ideal home has been exemplary. As soon as we explained to her what we were looking for, she set out to accomplish her mission. It is clear to us that all of the properties she showed us were very carefully selected and had our personal needs in mind. For our very first appointment with Teresa, we kept her waiting for two hours due to losing our way, and she was unbelievably professional and forgiving, showing no signs of any impatience or annoyance. She was warm and friendly, despite having sat in her car for two hours. Her professionalism and assistance has stretched far beyond simply finding our ideal property - she has been our translator; she has negotiated with other Remax agents, with builders, and has offered on-going support throughout the process. We couldn’t have asked for a more professional or more dedicated guide for this journey, and we feel indebted to her for her professionalism, dedication and assistance. Best Regards" Keiron & Lauren ----- "Teresa Cuco was our estate agent and we could not have been happier with the work she did to help us find our dream Portuguese property. We were living in London and flew over to the Alentejo on numerous occasions for property hunting with Teresa. Even Teresa's son Tiago assisted us on our search. Teresa is an expert on the various areas of Alentejo and was able to show us many properties in many diverse areas of the Alentejo region. She spent countless hours traveling with us to various properties before helping us find the perfect spot in the incredible Alentejo region of Portugal. Teresa not only helped us purchase our property but she also assisted us in setting up a Portuguese bank account and getting the ever-important NIF tax number and also linking us with important local contacts e.g. an accountant, builders, other ex-pats. Teresa really made our property search a lovely adventure and we would recommend her to anyone wishing to purchase a property in Portugal." ----- "My wife and I are Americans who will be moving to Portugal soon. An American expat, who already lives in Portugal, recommended Teresa Cuco to us, and we are very happy with the work she did in facilitating the purchase of our new property in the Alentejo. At all times we felt she genuinely wanted us to be happy and confident in the process of buying a property, and she worked very diligently to earn our confidence. Teresa would drive two hours roundtrip to take photographs and videos of properties we were interested in, and we noted that many of her emails were written late at night. She always welcomed questions, and always made certain we understood any and all details about a property, and the process of buying a property in Portugal. She even answered our questions about Portuguese etiquette and traditions. In English, we have an expression: “she/he goes the extra mile.” It refers to someone who gives extra effort to be certain a job is done well. A mile is equal to 1.61 kilometers. We would say Teresa Cuco goes the extra two kilometers, and recommend her without hesitation to anyone looking to buy or sell a property in the Alentejo." ----- "Após três gerações vividas naquela casa, que foi a minha de família de origem, chegou o momento em que, pelas forças das circunstâncias, teria de ser vendida. Aconselhada por amigos, contactei a REMAX/ Évora. O processo foi mediado pela Senhora D. Teresa Cuco que desde o primeiro momento, estabeleceu connosco uma relação empática e facilitadora. Ao longo do tempo, que ainda foi longo, sempre esteve presente, dando as informações decorrentes de várias situações. Sempre evidenciou grande profissionalismo aliado à capacidade de diálogo e cordialidade. O negócio concretizou-se, com satisfação de todos os envolvidos. Obrigada, D. Teresa." ----- " Gostávamos de agradecer toda a sua dedicação e profissionalismo neste processo desde a marcação da visita ao imóvel passando pelo processo do banco até á data da escritura. Não esquecendo também as traduções de emails e de documentos, explicando passo a passo em detalhe para ficarmos sem dúvidas. Gostávamos de lhe dedicar o seguinte: “Sou assim esta mescla de mulher corajosa, determinada, profissional dedicada que caminha pela vida lutando pelos sonhos carregando dentro de mim a delicadeza de uma menina e o sorriso de um anjo.” (Andresa Martins Vicentini) Desejamos um excelente futuro e que todos os seus sonhos se realizem. Bjs 😘💐 O seus clientes Cristina e Pedro"
Os imóveis mais recentes de Teresa Cuco
Imóveis vendidos recentemente de Teresa Cuco
RE/MAX Évora
Casas de Sonho - Sociedade de Mediação Imobiliária, Lda AMI 4446
Praça da Horta da Porta, 1
7000-930 , Évora - Malagueira e Horta das Figueiras