About me

I offer what my clients really want and need, to be understood, advised, advised and supported, the focal point of my service!

AWARDED AGENT by National Turnover: 2016 - 2017 - 2018 - 2019 -2020 - 2022 -2023

TRAINING: - Initiation Seminars (2014/2018) - Sales Training (2015/2018) - RE/MAX Technology (agents) (2014/2015/2020) - Advanced Real Estate Sale Strategies Mod. I - Facebook Marketing for Recruitment and Sale - Buyers and Recruitment - Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing Prevention - Visit without Leaving Home - Video in your Business - Effective Agent Retention - Big Why - Residential Market Trends - Entrepreneur Mentality - Listing and Marketing of Land 

+351 960 140 768

[email protected]

Your achievement, our commitment!
Your life moves ours.


I am writing to inform you that I have contacted Mr. Fernando Menezes for the sale of a property in Buarcos Figueira da Foz and, more recently, for the promotion of a house and land in the Municipality of Soure. The first experience was entirely successful; it was an inherited property belonging to seven heirs, some of whom were very elderly, and it was not easy to align everyone's interests and manage the entire process for promoting the sale and the documentary process for the deed. Mr. Fernando Menezes always showed great professionalism, strategy, and complete knowledge at all stages of the process, both at the documentary level related to the property and those related to the stakeholders, sellers, and potential buyers. The deed was carried out during the pandemic, and it was also necessary to have leadership skills to manage the process with the buyer, so that they would commit to the business, where respect for one's word and the seller's credibility were fundamental. Regarding the house and land I have for sale in the Municipality of Soure, I noticed from the first moment a well-defined strategy; there was documentary preparation to promote the sale, and this makes all the difference in predicting success. In both cases, there were approaches from other promoters, which did not result, and now I understand why. In summary, according to my perception, the qualities I find in Mr. Fernando Menezes are: Honesty, Competence, dedication, professionalism, availability, and above all, he is very credible. This testimony is based on the evaluation obtained over a significant period. Best regards, António Pereira Miranda.

+351 960 140 ***
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+351 233 436 ***
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RE/MAX Confiança

Ídolo para sempre - Unip. Lda AMI 10824

Avenida 25 de Abril, 29

3080-086 , Figueira da Foz - Buarcos e São Julião

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